Joanna Laznicka
Favorite Detector(s) : Minelab Equinox 800, Nokta Makro Pulse Dive
Joanna Jana Laznicka, a Czech-Canadian residing in Southern California, is passionate about all things associated with metal detecting. She mainly detects on the West Coast, from Southern California to Northern British Columbia focusing on detecting beaches, rivers, parks, permissions, and the woods. Joanna is the founder of Focus Speed ( an online metal detecting publication where she and other advanced metal detectorist share metal detecting tips. Some of her notable finds both found in California are an early 18century, Spanish Branding Iron and a 1906 Austrian Gold Coin.
We are also very happy to have Joanna on board of our team!
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Sean Haymes-Maree
Favorite Detectors: Minelab Ctx 3030, Minelab Equinox 800, Minelab Excalibur II
Born in the UK and raised in the United States. Sean first started metal detecting in the hills of Northern California and Southern Mexico in the search for placer gold. Then moved to the East Coast of Florida where he now enjoys searching for Spanish and British artifacts. Experienced on both Land and Sea as well as the fields in the UK and Scotland.
Sean has a passion for recovering relics and researching the story behind the objects he recovers.
We are also very happy to have Sean on board of our team!
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Luc van Assche
Favorite Detector(s) : Minelab Equinox 800 and Minelab CTX3030
Born and raised in Belgium, Luc “DeLuc” Van Assche pursued several hobbies, including hunting and motocross, before discovering metal detecting. Luc believes that every find has a story, which is what makes metal detecting so unique.
After starting with the Minelab CTX 3030, Luc began to use his favourite EQUINOX. He believes that when detecting, you must learn to use the technology so that it becomes an extension of yourself.
Luc mostly spends time in Flemish fields or beaches, where he finds some of his favourite items, including statues from the Roman Empire and gold and silver coins from different centuries, “I like to bring daylight to the deepest finds”, Luc remarks.
Also a warm welcome for this specialist from Belgium!
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Annemiek Simons
“Garrett Girl”
Favorite detector(s): Garrett AT max and the XP Deus
We are very happy to introduce you Annemiek Simons and a warm welcome to her in our Motley Prostaffers team.
Annemiek started in 2019 with metaldetecting and also directly with here youtube channel.
She started with the Garrett ace300i. After that the Garrett AT Max and within short time she was captivated by the metaldetecting virus en very passionate.
She likes to do her hunts on fields and pasture, also lately she focused on waterdetecting.
Annemiek also runs a very nice and wellknown Youtube Channel “Simons Metaldetecting”, next to that she can also be found on many different social media channels.
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Mike Silver
Favorite Detector(s) :
All Nokta Makro machines and Especially the Anfibio, Gold Kruzer, Simplex and ofcours the Minelab Excalibur II
We are also very happy to introduce you Mike Silver, he is very experienced on almost all levels of water & beach detecting for over 20 years. He is always driven to push himself to the limits.
Also Mike is a Nomad/Tester for Nokta Makro Europe.
Again very happy to have this Nomad on board of our Motley Team.
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Christoph Sontheimer
From Bavaria, Germany, Christoph has been detecting since 1999. He received his first metal detector from his grandfather, to explore the German Westwall/Siegfried line for left behind WWII military relics, for his 18th birthday. His first finds were an old German WWII steel helmet, as well as various military decorations.
A keen interest in Roman, Celtic, and Medieval history has driven Christoph to search for historical treasures all accross Europe. The woods, farm fields, old rocks, and narrow passes are his playground when it comes to metal detecting, however relic and coin hunting is his specialty. Christoph loves being in nature with fellow detectorists and takes every opportunity to inspire others to take up detecting.
Christoph has found huge range of treasures spanning many historical eras, with one of his most memorable finds being a silver Medieval coin hoard. Above all else, Christoph is driven by the excitement of making finds, and the preservation of all treasures for posterity.
Again also proud to have this second Bavarian Searcher on board of our Team!
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Sebastiaan Hoogenberg
Favorite Detector(s) :
All Nokta Makro machines and Especially the Anfibio, Gold Kruzer, Simplex
We are also very happy to introduce you Sebastiaan Hoogenberg, he is very experienced on almost all levels of detecting like water hunting in all his forms, relic hunting etc.
Also Sebastiaan is a Nomad/Tester for Nokta Makro Europe
Sebastiaan runs a very nice FB group and next to that a well-known Dutch YouTube channel “The Dutch Metal Hunters” where you can follow him on his adventures.
He is also known as a very enthusiastic and driven person, where other give up Sebastiaan continues. Again very happy to have this Nomad on board of our Motley Team.
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Andre Wende
Favorite Detector(s) :
Minelab Equinox 800 and Minelab Excallibur II
Andre is a keen detectorist aswell on land as in the water escpecially in Croatia and German lakes.He has a lot of experience on all levels and is living in the south of Germany.
One of his favourite finds are a medieval battle axe (1250 — 1500 AD) and an enamel disc fibula from the 10th century (which is now on display in a local museum).
Ofcourse he is also very proud on his finds on the beach and in the water.
Again also proud to have this Bavarian Searcher on board of our Team
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Allan Abilgaard Jensen
Favorite Detector(s) :
Minelab Equinox800 and Minelab Vanquish 440
At the age of 11, Allan picked up his first detector and has been hooked ever since. Based in western Denmark, he primarily hunts fields and waterways for Viking and Bronze Age treasures.
Over the years, Allan has made a number of great discoveries within walking distance from his home. With his love of history, Allan considers the most exciting part of detecting is that you never know what you’ll dig up — everything from a button to a Viking Gold Pearl can make his day. Allan loves when his wife, family and friends all unearth great finds.
We are very happy to have a Danish “Viking” on board of our Team Motley
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Jan Brand
Favorite Detector(s) :
Minelab CTX3030/Nokta Makro Anfibio
Jan is a very experienced metaldetectorist on all levels, he has over 38 years experience in the field.The last 10 years Jan focused on water/beach detecting and also is involved in a organization who can be contacted when people looses important things like wedding rings, etc. to find it back. He also found a lot of special treasures from golden rings till a coin hoard etc. true whole of Europe.
We at Team Motley are also very happy with Jan as a team member and field tester and he is also a very enthusiastic guy and very experienced as a beach/water detectorist.
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Paul Cee
Great Britain
Favorite Detector(s) :
Minelab Equinox800 / Minelab Vanquish 540-340 / Minelab E-trac / Minelab CTX3030
Paul Cee has been metal detecting for the past 17 years, he is very experienced on mainly wet beach and water hunter.
He is traveling from beach to beach around the whole U.K. and is always on a new adventure.
Because of his adventures he is meeting many people and is having always a good time.
Paul has also a very nice youtube channel and is always giving good and honoust reviews on diggingtools, detectors . Paul,s comment “Such a great pleasure to represent MOTLEY Beach Scoops over here in the UK”
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Truls Warhuus
Favorite Detector(s) :
Minelab Equinox800 and Minelab Vanquish 540
I live on the country side and I am surrounded by fields and small and big waters.
I have found a lot of great coins and relics within walking distance from my home.
I specialize in the Viking Age and coins, the thrill of digging up something old and you are the first person to hold it in your hands after maybe 1000 years and thinking of all the history behind the coin or the relic that is what it’s all about for me.
My favorite find is the cross fibula from year 400-500.
We at Team Motley are ofcourse very happy with Truls as a very enthousiastic guy who is also a great beach/water detectorist.
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Neil Jones
Great Britain
Favorite Detector(s) :
All Minelab Machines
We at Team Motley are also very happy to have this “crazy” lovable Englishman in our team for support on any level!
Neil Jones or aka Mr. Slow_n_low. What can we tell you about this guy… Well he has been on the Detecting scene for many years now, in fact he has 41 years of detecting experience in total So knows fill well what he is talking about.
He has done all kinds of detecting all around the world. His Favourite beach to hunt is Blackpool Beach in the UK. But he likes any beach or surf on any coast or any river, lake or pond. He is always helpfull to anybody who needs it either on the phone, on the Internet or on the fields and beaches with tips & tricks about machines, programs etc to both beginners up to seasoned detectorists.
He is well known for his very Large test lanes that he sets up when doing events for Minelab both in the UK and Belgium and the Netherlands. He also does one to one and group coaching/training days with any Minelab metal detector.
People around the world are using programs that Neil has devised for different Minelab high end machines from the Explorer XS, II, SE, Etrac, Ctx3030 and Equinox like Neils Beach to land etc. He has the world’s largest Equinox 800-600 Facebook group…… DUG THAT’S OFFICIAL MINELAB EQUINOX 800-600 GROUP…….. Anyone is welcome so why not hop aboard. His favourite finds are ….All finds of all periods are interesting to me Bronze age right up to Victorian /Edwardian, history is history.
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Arjen Groen
Favorite Detector(s) :
Minelab Equinox 800 XPDeus
Arjen is a typical guy from the North of the Netherlands named “Groningen”.
Since many years Arjen is a very passionated and enthousiastic Metaldetectorist on all levels.
He is the one to find treasures where others couldn’t find anything.
He has many beautifull and rare finds achieved in the past years.
From gold medival rings till beautifull big silver coins 16th 17th century.
Also his speciality is to arrange a lot of searching permissions, farmers & landowners like him a lot!
We at Team Motley are also proud to have this Gronninger on board of our prostaffers team!
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Karol Oreczak
Favorite Detector(s) :
Minelab Explorer SE
We are very happy to have our friend Karol from Poland in our Motley Prostaff Team. Karol is a 31 years young and living in the town of Świdwin in Northwest of Poland.
He has a lot of experience on all levels as a detectorist for more then 17 years. Favourite searching areas for treasures for him are places like forrest, fields and lakes, which are plenty in his local area.
He is also very passionate about searching for treasures in the Baltic Sea.
In his dailey job Karol is a inventer, designer en tester of products for the metaldetecting industry, so this allows him to combine business and pleasure together.
Again, we at Team Motley are very happy and proud to have Karol on board of our team as prostaffer, tester and also advicer on technical stuf and issues.
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